Graduation and a New Start

Although this blog has always been in the back of my mind, life moves forward and so have I. As we can all see, I have left my blog for a while and that's okay. I've never been a talented writer. I enjoy living life day to day. But what a fantastic way to preserve memories blogging can be! The whole reason I began this blog was to save memories from my year abroad in Italy. Reading each post now, almost two years later, brings me happiness I never could  have imagined. For that reason, I have decided to begin with my blog again. This time, I plan to update more often. I will be posting about my loves -  food, fashion, travel, and art!

The title of this blog "The Adventures of a Newbie" came from the mindset of a scared girl, moving across the ocean away from home. Only a couple friends, new places, new language, and thankfully, a lot of new and exciting memories entailed. For me, this title continues to fit my every day life, especially recently. I am starting a new chapter in my life right at this moment. This past May, I graduated from Southern Adventist University with a BA in Art, a BA in International Studies - Italian, and a Minor in Business with an emphasis in Marketing. I've spent my summer so far working, applying for jobs, and looking forward to all of the doors that God has opened for me. I will be starting graduate school online in the fall from Academy of Arts University, getting my MFA in Fashion Merchandising. Currently looking for full time jobs in Chicago to be a little closer to the man friend. So many new things are happening, and this newbie doesn't even know where to start. But that's the adventure, right? Stay tuned!


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