Saying Goodbye...

Tonight, as I drove to our annual Nosoca Staff reunion, jamming out to "Blood" by the Middle East, I was struck with the fact that I would have to say goodbye. Saying goodbye to friends and family has been a lot more difficult than I ever thought it would be. After saying goodbye everyday this week, I said goodbye to my church family this morning, my best friend this afternoon, and my real family tomorrow. Maybe its because I still just can't imagine getting on that plane tomorrow, and maybe its just nerves, but I don't feel ready or excited to leave at all. Tomorrow, tomorrow I leave for the adventure that I have wanted for so long. Man... I need to pack...

Adventure, its what I've always wanted my life to be centered around. I've entitled "Blood" by the Middle East as my new adventure song for the year. I like to call it my theme music. The music that plays in the background of one of the movies where the main character stares longingly out the foggy bus window as they embark on something that you know will be the main plot line of their entire lives. Heart pounding, mind whirling, tomorrow I embark on my plot line. Tomorrow I fly to Italy for a 9 month adventure that I'm sure will involve laughter and tears, hellos and more goodbyes. I may not be ready for it in my head, but in my heart its what I've needed for years. Maybe that is why that song sparks such a welling excitement for me, because I can just feel the adventure coming. I'm finally taking the bound. With much work, and many prayers, tomorrow I embark on my adventure. Wish me luck. :)


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